
What we do

We analyse problems and then generate the requirements that any solution to the problem has to meet. These requirements may be completely internal to the project but many such solutions have external implications that need to be addressed.

Throughout the analysis process we will evaluate options and parts of options through modelling and in the construction and test of hardware if required to validate a conclusion.

Business Areas

Space Frontier Operations, Inc (SFO) is interested in all aspects of space exploration and settlements. We are specifically interested in the tools, techniques and technologies that will make space exploration a real possibility in the near future. Our primary interests are:

  • Space Flight Vehicles and Launch Systems, both horizontal and vertical.
  • Propulsion – Future engine development and all forms of potential propulsion systems.
  • Habitat; the development of the systems that allow humans to actually live reasonably normal lives in the space environment.
  • Power systems to support all the above categories, Solar, Thermal and Nuclear are all options of interest.
  • Emergency Power and Life Support systems for use on the surface and in space.

Legal Standing

Space Frontier Operations, Inc. (SFO) is a Not-for-Profit Florida Corporation that was initially established in 1992 and incorporated in February of 1994.

We operate in the space exploration and development sector, developing ideas and systems for use both on the surface and in space. Our primary interests are in Propulsion, Flight Vehicles and the development of long-term survival techniques for deep space exploration. We construct prototype and development hardware as required in these fields.

As a Not-for-Profit Corporation we are specifically prohibited by law from political activity, we may not lobby nor may we contribute to Political Action Committees.

engineers working in a collaborative way
Want to

All business contacts are initially to be made through the CEO, Deputy CEO or the CFO. The CFO has a complete set of Terms and Conditions as well as all data on charging rates.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors for Space Frontier Operations, Inc is comprised of men and women who have helped SFO through the last few tumultuous years. The table below shows the current Directors and their areas of interest.

NameRolePrimary Function(s)Contact *
Andy ClarkChairman & CEOCorporate management, Mission Analysis, General Engineering, Program and Project Managementa.clark@...
Richard PrickettDeputy CEO and DirectorPhysics - Optics, Lasers and computing capabilitiesr.prickett@...
Tim CashDirectorEngineering & Physics - RF Systems, Electro-Optic Systems, Software Defined Radio, RFIDt.cash@...
O.O."Norm" EnnisDirectorSafety, Reliability and Quality Assurancen.ennis@...
Laura RandleCFO & DirectorBusiness Office - Bids and Proposals, General Administrationl.randle@...
George TysonDirectorg.tyson@...
Ric JordanDirectorr.jordan@...
Bryan AthanDirectorb.athan@...
* Note: all addresses are @sfo.org

Contact Details

Space Frontier Operations, Inc. may be contacted in the following ways: For Contract and Bid and Proposal activity please contact either the CEO or the CFO at the E-mail addresses noted in the Directors Listing

The Mailing Address For Space Frontier Operations, Inc. is:

Space Frontier Operations, Inc.
Suite 100
5840 Red Bug Lake Road,
Winter Springs,
FL 32708, U.S.A